Friday, 17 February 2012

Spindly thoughts...

I've become accustomed to some fairly out-of-the ordinary requests from my lovely lady. We think alike and have very similar interests, it's uncanny really. So when she showed me a picture of a drop-spindle, I knew where the conversation was headed! Now, I have no concept of how the spindle is used, I know it turns a sheep's fleece into wool, but that's about it. But, I thought that based on the photo Sam showed me I could put together a spindle for her. She recently acquired a big bag full of sheep fleece, that she plans on turning into wool for some project. I Love Her! So, not wanting to leave her spindle-less, I built this for her!

Simplicity was key here, but I am hoping that it will still function as it's meant to. I took a 1/2" dowel, and sunk it through a 2" disk cut from 3/4" pine stock. There is 6" of handle below the disk and 2" of dowel before ending with a hook.

I am sincerely hoping that this will end up doing its job properly, but if not, I'll have to try again! My lady deserves the best I can give!


  1. Now I'm hoping for a second, larger spindle... that one fills up too quickly!
