Monday, 7 May 2012

A gift for a friend...

Word of my misadventures in crafting have spread! I was approached by a member of my 1812 re-enactment group with a piece of leather work. I was told the piece is intended to act as a handle for wine bottles. Now, to say re-enactors in my unit are found of Port, would be an understatement! So Carol wanted to make a gift of this device to one of the men in the unit, who hosts our Friday night "Port Night. I tried to simply stretch the piece she gave me, but due to the age and the initial cut of the piece that was not possible.

So here is my version of this clever little device! It provides a sturdy handle with which to dispense copious amounts of this delicious beverage!

I do need to note however, that this particular crafter of Port is sneaky. When I first completed this piece, I was dismayed to notice that for some reason one of my loops didn't seem to fit. At first I thought it was because I had made a mistake when cutting the loop straps, and had cut one longer than the other. On closer inspection, I notice that the bottle has a taper to it! Something I had not considered! When I measured the bottle to determine the lengths require, I only measured the top of the bottle. Whoops!

So, I will need to insert a shim in the bottom loop. Oh well, still a nifty little project!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great honey! I think that's just about the right colour for it too, won't notice any spills :-)
